Thursday, September 18, 2008

No! Not Miniskirts!

After calling to make wearing a miniskirt illegal, Ugandan Ethics and Integrity Minister Nsaba Buturo proceeded to call his people "weak mentally". 

There are definitely people who can't hack a miniskirt. But trying to say that the miniskirt is suddenly indecent after it's been out since the Swingin' London days of the 1960s is a moot point, right? Uganda isn't (by far) the stupidest country in the world. There is a 66% literacy rate and official
language is English and the country seems relatively peaceful considering the neighbors. So why then is the miniskirt suddenly indecent?

Roman Catholics dominate religious thought in Uganda, is it that? Maybe. But I've been to Brazil and it's very Catholic there as well...and I'm sure we've all seen Brazilian cut bathing suits

The minister also claims that "indecent dressing"is just one of the vices facing Ugandan society. Right, along with 
"Theft and embezzlement of public funds, sub-standard service delivery, greed, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality [and] sectarianism..."
A democratic and free society doesn't impose a dress code on their citizens, especially one that is so shamelessly biased toward women. 

I don't like banana hammocks but I don't find it necessary to completely ban them. Maybe if they were banned, we wouldn't have all this "greed" and "theft" we've been hearing so much about from Wall St. lately...

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