Monday, September 22, 2008

Workplace Woes: Chauvinist Pigs Make More Money

You know, for their Stepford brides. No, seriously, a study in the United States suggests that "old-fashioned" men, the ones who think women should stay home and make meatloaf instead of mergers, consistently out-earn more than their modern-thinking counterparts. The tune - an extra $8,500 a year!

The study, consisting of 12,686 men and women interviewed in 1979 and three more times in the following two decades, ending in 2005. 

Questions floated around during these interviews, like "do you believe a woman's place is in the home", "do you believe that the employment of women leads to higher rates of juvenile delinquency" and others plucked from "Freakonomics"

On the other side, women with "modern" views made $1,500 more than "traditional" thinking women. I bet those "traditional" women are at home baking cookies, perchance?

Dr. Magdalena Zawisza, a psychologist involved in the study, noted that there may be several theories which explain the difference, 
"It could be that more traditionally-minded men are interested in power, both in terms of access to resources - money in this case - and also in terms of a woman who is submissive." 
"Another theory suggests that employers are more likely to promote men who are the sole those [are] not..."
But what about the woman's position - any single mothers out there? Thoughts? 

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