Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Cultural Objections: Brits Have This Problem Too

While as a general rule I avoid discussion with many conservatives because of their...weird woman (mommy) issues, I can't help but halfway agree (only to an extent, people!) with Tory education spokesman Michael Gove on the ladymags so popular in Great Britain. Are they corrupting male culture? Are they ruining the desire of the men who read these mags to be fathers? 

"Titles such as Nuts and Zoo paint a picture of women as permanently, lasciviously, uncomplicatedly available" 
And that's never good. 
"The images they use and project reinforce a very narrow conception of beauty and a shallow approach towards women. They celebrate thrill-seeking and instant gratification without ever allowing any thought of responsibility towards others, or commitment, to intrude."
So I guess that's why there are so many single mothers/fathers in England?

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