Saturday, August 2, 2008

Let's Talk Cock!

I'm trying to keep this tres equal between the genders so, while sexual objectifications of women have been joked about & discussed for oh, since the dawn of man, men are now getting to be the brunt of the jokes and catcalls as well.

Besides individual anecdotal accounts, advertising is the most saturated way citizens see imagery. Advertising, in theory, tells us how to feel about products. Look at David Beckham. He's smokin' in these Armani underwears. Yet, Beckham will never be in YOUR bed wearing these underwears, so why do we care? Young men aren't going to do any self-examining of their physique and, unfortunately, your boyfriend probably won't do more pushups.

The traditional gender role for men emphasizes power. Making sure we're all on the same page, Beckham looks supplicant, right? He's saying "look at me!", almost desperately. Thinking beyond the fact that he's in an underwear ad, he's there for women (and some men) to look at, hungrily, longingly.

So we're here to talk about that too.

Don't get so down though, I'm not saying men don't deserve to get the "bedroom eyes" from women...just it may not work out so well (and vice-versa). Case in point:

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