Friday, August 1, 2008

Russians Will Continuing Procreating, Thank You Very Much

Look, I know we're all here to procreate and spread Man everywhere (blah blah blah) but sex at, isn't that just 2005?

A Russian judge tossed out a perfectly good court case today involving
an executive and her touchy-feely-in-a-gross-way boss. The judge even went as far (probably not to him) as saying:
"If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children,"

There have been only two successful cases of sexual harassment in Russia, one in 1993 and the other 1997. What is wrong with people? If you honestly think that slapping a woman on the ass means she wants to take you to a conference room and give ya one, there is something wrong with you.

Women are second-class citizens in too many countries. Even in supposedly modern societies like the U.S., women (and men) still have to deal with unwelcome ass-grabbing.

Article 19 of the Russian Constitution specifies says that men and women are to be considered equal. What is equal about this situation?

Educate yourselves: stopVAW

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