Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sick Sick Sick!!

It just doesn't get any better than this. With Cheney looking on and smiling brightly, ear to ear, behemoth defense contractor KBR made the announcement that they would "ban the use of personal cell phones by its employees in Iraq". While this seems 1984 in its own right, this news comes quick on the heels of numerous allegations of rape by KBR employees, specifically one who was raped, then held captive for days until a sympathetic guard (not one of the rapists) let the woman use his personal cell phone to escape. 

This woman, Jamie Leigh Jones, has a foundation to assist victims of sexual assault. It seems like Halliburton and KBR have a history with these pesky rape cases. Draw your own conclusions, but it seems like women should stay away from these places of "employment" if you don't want to be raped. 

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